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26 janvier 2012

I feel

I feel like I've lives this before, I've been through the same things, all this has already happened to me, and now that I have some time to think about it and to put some order in my thoughts and to think about what happened before now, I feel it even stronger, the same situations, the same feelings, there's no wonder I feel there's nothing new about it.

It incredible how we recogniwe certain thoughts, feeling, people, situations we're been through before: at the beginning there's just this odd feeling about it, and then it all comes back to us and we remember why we feel so.

7 décembre 2011

I never thought

I never thought I could feel so lonely surrounded by so many people, yet so alone. I feel no one else can understand what I'm doing and why, I feel people think my job isn't important and that they could do far better without me, but they don't actually know what to do.

And I cannot tell them what to do, even if I know it better than them, because they wouldn't listen, nobody has the patience to hear what I'd like to tell them...

22 novembre 2011

A nice cup of tea

There is no such thing as a nice cup of tea when you feel lonely, and cold, and worried. I think that when English people say a nice cup of tea would heal anything, and help you get over anything, strarting from 'I lost my keys' to 'My life is falling apart', they're not totally mistaken!

It's nice being here, drinking tea and writing, even though at the beginning of this day I never thought I would get to 12 o'clock without desperatly trying to waste time and get out. But it seems to be working and it make me 'bear the unbearable', which is not always esay.

I'm already thinking about lunch, I'm always living waiting for something or someone and this really gets me motivated!

15 octobre 2011

It's an ice cream world

The ice cream is a light and digestible food that will delight and cuddles you with its wonderful flavor. It's 'a faithful partner in the torrid summer days, but on rainy days in winter is a great way to snack while having a chat with friends.
The simple ice-cream, compared with the other desserts, is one of the least-calorie desserts for the presence of a large amount of air. It 'better than the fruit rather than cream, but both must be eaten with care if you want to pay attention to your line.

As for the children, we must do some 'extra attention. For children who have less than a year, the ice cream is not so much recommended. For older children you should start with small amounts (as with any other foods that are introduced for the first time feeding the baby). To start, the simple flavors are ok, like vanilla, and it is better to avoid those that contain colorants and other chemicals.

14 juin 2011

Ah bon, je croyais…



Je crois beaucoup de choses en même temps et sans surprise ces choses s’avèrent généralement fausses. Pas grave je m’en remettrais, j’irais sur chatroulette et j’oublierais ce en quoi je croyais tant...

À part ça sa va, je m’en remet tout doucement, sans ce presser je me remet sur pieds âpres la débâcle mythique de ce week-end endiablé. ‘était un peu comme dans « Bad trip 2 », on prends les mêmes et en recommence à zéro. On fait les mêmes erreurs et on n’apprend jamais de ces expériences passées.

La nature humaine est ainsi faite et personne ne peut aller contre, surtout pas moi. Bref je vous laisse, j’ai d’autres chat à fouetter, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire…
